Hey! You should be so lucky. I got this amazing email from Natalia, completely out of the blue, or, more to the point, out of Russia. I have never heard of her before, but look at her gorgeous face... and she wants to meet me next month. Wow. Anyhow, enjoy her letter ... possible replies to her email are entertained in the comment section. I really would have preferred Dimitri to write, but hey, can't have it all... Udo
Hello my dear friend !!!
How are you doing?
My name is Natalya. I am 28 years old. My birthday is July,25th. I live in Russia.
Really it is very interesting to me to learn you more and to study you.
I as would like to tell to you about that that I really lonely woman and I very much would like to have acquaintance to the man for serious relations. For this purpose I to address in agency of acquaintances and to give them my letter. To me to tell that I can really find the man through their agency and they to allow me a little e-mail. I to choose yours and very pleasant for me if you answer my letter. I hope that we can study more about each other.
I very much want to have acquaintance with good the man. I as to have some questions for you.
How there is your life? What city you live? What you to think about our meeting? You wanted that I could arrive to you in next month?
I wish you good day and success.
I wait for your letter.
Your friend Natalya.