Quite remarkable, South Africa's elite crime fighting unit, THE SCORPIONS, is going to be disbanded. The reasons are fairly simple, the crime fighters found too may senior ANC politicians with their hands in the till, showed them to be thieves, corrupt or worse. Among those investigate and prosecuted were Jackie Selebie (once the country's ANC appointed police commissioner), Jacob Zuma (currently the ANCs president) and many others.
The people of South Africa might want to read up on the history of Mexico's PRI to see what is going to happen to their society if they permit the ANC to continue down the path it so clearly has chosen.
So far for the 'new South Africa'. A less than convincing move from historically white-corruption to 'new South Africa' black-corruption. The masses remain as poor as they always were, service delivery is collapsing across the place (even the country's electricity supply is unreliable these days). Just think about it, the ANC cadres were given the amazing choice to stick to President Mbeki (a leader whose warped AIDS policies have cost hundreds of thousands of HIV infected South Africans their very lives!), or Jacob Zuma (a politician current prosecuted for corruption, and a guy who has a habit of sleeping around with plenty of women without using condoms, and who tends to have a shower as a means of post-exposure prophylaxis!). - How sad can it get? It surely looks like a second democratic revolution is called for.
The trouble for South Africans, of course, is that the country has no credible opposition party and, for that reason alone, the ANC is free to do pretty much anything it wishes. And so it does! Sad developments indeed.