Sunday, April 20, 2008

Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie Oi Oi Oi

Great news from my adopted home country, Down Under. It seems, since that sad little racist throw-back-to-the-50s man John Howard was finally turfed out of government by my fellow compatriots, the new Labor government is pushing at long last ahead with a progressive republican agenda. Reportedly a think-tank type event had several government ministers on record suggesting that it would be a good thing if Australia became a republic by 2010.

Here's fingers crossed, thumbs pressed, the lot, for that to happen. After all, it's a major hassle for that elderly English woman to travel to all those ex-colonies and pretend that she cares one way or another. And savior the thought of Prince Charles becoming the next King of England... another good reason to become a republic soon. It's really just a matter of becoming a grown-up country, isn't it?!

Ethical Progress on the Abortion Care Frontiers on the African Continent

The Supreme Court of the United States of America has overridden 50 years of legal precedent and reversed constitutional protections [i] fo...